@williamsba Here’s a fix for that: wejn.org/stuff/wejnswpwhitespace…
@williamsba Here’s a fix for that: wejn.org/stuff/wejnswpwhitespace…
@jtnt This should give you some insight. is.gd/Q4spNN
This iPad 2 vs new iPad side by side comparison looks exactly the same to me. ping.fm/DU59s
Great summer internship opportunity @pewinternet bit.ly/xK3y02
@charliepark Thanks for sharing FAQ patrol. It inspired this -> is.gd/n3Yywh
What do you think of my new logo? ping.fm/XEFjn
Kristina lost her phone at the gym. She’s really bummed. Here’s the info ping.fm/xcmjH
When products die, WordPress.com seems to prosper. Case in point Google’s Knol,Microsoft’s Live Spaces.
Vote Robots 2012: Built to Lead ping.fm/kkOcY
Love that 1) Batman the Animated Series’ original site is still up (batmantas.com/) and 2) its optimized for Netscape 2.0/IE 3.0 :oP
@andrewcohen @aebsr @dandrinkard and 50% of the Hispanic in your state own homes is.gd/XmXn7d
The International Day of Awesomeness is in just 5 days! ping.fm/BBXzM
@steph_hay Maybe you can answer this one? is.gd/oEaHqG
@acmeartdesign It looks like is.gd/Fj0muK might be right up your alley
@acmeartdesign Have no fear, other options appear! is.gd/SUR0hC
Wow, SlashDot founder @cmdrtaco just took a job as Chief Strategist at Washington Post Labs bit.ly/z5avF0 via @dangillmor
Virtual photo walks make photography accessible to people with disabilities: bitly.com/ziwqYr
@mattcutts Yea but you guys don’t have a goofy chicken logo… is.gd/Gi1LTn
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.