3 in a row.
Going down the fireman pole.
Scoping out the playground.
Just hanging around in his jumper. A few more inches to go to reach the ground.
@mattcampux youmightnotneedjquery.com/ search for Extend
Wow this job listing sure does expect a lot from a Junior Developer.
“You’ll be updating WordPress sites but if you know some C++ or Java that would be great!”
Source: youtube.com/watch?v=gXgNZcWmssg
@mattcampux Saved you six months juneoven.com/
The man behind @Pinboard is brining back del.icio.us/
The WordPress 5.5 Release Candidate is out. 🎉
Thanks to everyone involved!
Your help testing would be really appreciated.
You can use the ZIP in the post, or the WordPress Beta Tester plugin: wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-… twitter.com/WordPress/status/128…
@justmarkup I saw a butterfly twitter.com/kingkool68/status/12…
More post-dinner swing time.
I just published a Chrome extension that will prevent you from tweeting images without alt text ✨
Any issues can be reported here: github.com/aweary/twitter-requir… t.co/k6LESGxQMh
@plugish Maybe this will give you a few pointers
@enqueue_russ Gtmetrix is fun and all gtmetrix.com/reports/cadenheimli…
but getting 100s on mobile Lighthouse scores is where the real fun is lighthouse-dot-webdotdevsite.app…
When you need to make little bubble number notification thingies this technique is the jam
4 Design Patterns That Violate “Back” Button Expectations – 59% of Sites Get It Wrong – Articles – Baymard Institute baymard.com/blog/back-button-exp…
Describe @QuinnyPig with one tweet twitter.com/angriest/status/1286…