🍦 New Article: Always bet on HTML ift.tt/3fQgoP8
🍦 New Article: Always bet on HTML ift.tt/3fQgoP8
Wife: Hurry up! We gotta go we’re late.
Me: One sec, I’m learning about terraforming other planets and ensuring the survival of the human race. It’s kinda important.
Wife: …
Me: It’s a Twitter thread
Wife: I’m going to exile you to another planet if you don’t move your butt. twitter.com/solarrsystem/status/…
@LocalWP And more tutorials on building Local WP plugins as mentioned by @tnash
@LocalWP @uniondesign I just saw this released the other day. Tunneling done in pure PHP laravel-news.com/expose-an-ngrok…
@corymiller303 If the image is already online you can use WordPress’ Photon API developer.wordpress.com/docs/pho…
✏️ New Post: Are we ready to revisit some of the ideas of the early web again? There are trends that suggest we might have come full circle from the 90s…
@jensimmons @hj_chen Some way to let the browser I know I don’t mind cookies so we can get rid of these awful cookie acceptance banners. twitter.com/kingkool68/status/10…
This is how we morning (part 2)
📸 instagram.com/p/CBk3HPUluJE/ via tweet.photo
This is how we morning (part 1)
📸 instagram.com/p/CBk26XbF7wy/ via tweet.photo
🆕 New Blog Post 🆕
I take a look at⚡⚡ Local (by Flywheel) Lightning ⚡⚡
A local development environment for WordPress. Is it any good?
@TaraClaeys Didn’t know you couldn’t import old mail. That’s a bummer. You would need to forward your mail to hey.com for a while before you could rely on it.
Buying a monitor to go with your Mac is so confusing these days. twitter.com/nikitonsky/status/12…
Tummy time with encouragement from his big sister.
📸 instagram.com/p/CBjnqCFFBYh/ via tweet.photo
That’s a fun one!
@justmarkup shares more valuable facts about progressive enhancement. 👏 Fun fact: you can connect any button with a form element – no matter if the button is placed in the form or not. 😲
5 weeks in and Caden is still unBEARably cute. He had a check up yesterday and he’s up to 9 pounds 7 ounces and perfectly healthy. 🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻 #CadenApollo
📸 instagram.com/p/CBi1GKAHTeS/ via tweet.photo
I got my invite code for hey.com and was disappointed someone else already got [email protected]
Anyways if anyone wants an invite code for hey.com I have one with two or three invites left.
You should upvote it 😎
@wordops_ – Toolset that eases WordPress site and server administration | Product Hunt buff.ly/3cVnorN
Hey #webperf / #pagespeed aficionados,
In @____lighthouse v6 how are you handling Largest Contentful Paint for large hero images on a site?
I’ve played around with setting loading=”lazy” and loading=”eager” but theres still room to improve.
Example: lighthouse-dot-webdotdevsite.app…
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.