Look who can ride their trike all by herself (on a slight decline with the wind behind her instagram.com/p/BIdqVlbBHff/
@danielbachhuber Happy Birthday
“A man and his dog do things” – petapixel.com/2016/07/28/fun-por…
Obama drops a birth certificate joke and implies Trump is a “home-grown demagogue” in 2 minutes #DemsInPhilly
Unconfirmed reports that the President of the United States just said “Don’t Boo. Vote” 11 minutes ago…
rt if u agree
kids in the 80’s weren’t fat because they jumped on mini-saturns
I’ve been thinking a lot about Toad having a nose lately
They even had action figures and a cartoon show.
Kids today have 3D printers but back in my day we had Creepy Crawlers.
Prisma arrives on Android, turns your photos into painterly works of art: goo.gl/KVZV4g
Family outting to a birthday party. Happy 1st birthday Evie! instagram.com/p/BIQkUP9BlSK/
Okay Washington Post, you got it. ?
@brownpau We’re talking about this, right?
@fugularity You got this, bro.
That beauty sleep sure has done @tedcruz well since dropping out of the race…