Tree swing.
Caden turns 1 years old today!
Lunch date to celebrate the anniversary of Kristina’s 21st birthday!!!
Srsly who made this
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there. But especially to this mommy who manages to take care of all 3 kiddos and even me. This year we continued are breakfast in bed tradition and followed it up with a personalized…
Check out my banana hammock
@williamsba Proof:
Feeling dandy.
Y2K aesthetic websites in 2001…
#Y2K #WebDesignHistory
Draining but worth it.
“Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated”
Backyard monkey bar champion, 2021.
Rope swing climber.
Double swinging.
Digging in the sandbox.
Playing restaurant. Taking my order.
@raygunray Is Erol’s in there? Maybe that’s a DC regional thing.