Yahoo! Pipes was the original serverless infrastructure
@chriscoyier Was gonna say… I’ve got 1 gbps and that is plenty for me.
First time on the baby swing at the park. He still has some more growing to do.
@JoAnnStilley Mommy hiding behind the brick wall. Same place nearly 4 years ago…
@shortxstack Yea I should’ve thought things through before buying this shirt with toddlers
That time Google Photos reminded me when my identical triplets rode the centipede horse at the farm this past weekend.
MOOvers and shakers down at the farm.
Quintessential fall kiddo photo.
Taking in the sights and sounds of the farm.
Humpty Heimlich’s sat on a wall…
Crazy bus drivers on their way to California.
Up in the attic of the castle.
The house of the three little bears.
Crowded porthole.
Fence selfie 🤳
Farm selfie 🤳
Nursery rhyme signage.
Outdoor fall movie night. The masks come in handy for keeping our faces warm but hinder eating the popcorn.