Christmas Eve gingerbread house building with Mommy. #ZadieAlyssa #gingerbreadhouse instagram.com/p/BOa_xr-gwfx/

Christmas Eve gingerbread house building with Mommy. #ZadieAlyssa #gingerbreadhouse instagram.com/p/BOa_xr-gwfx/
what if I told u the night before christmas & the fresh prince theme song have the same cadence
Running down her energy before bed. She had already been doing this for a few minutes before instagram.com/p/BOYkvOhgLmi/
Every developer ever.
Since I’m dressed down the rest of the year, the company holiday party is really my place to shine.
Is one of PA’s electors, um, a child
@jimbrady My money is on Wayne.
We’re talking about Whose Line Is It Anyway, right?
Dinosaurs had feathers news.nationalgeographic.com/2016…
Say hello to WordPress 4.7 “Vaughan” wordpress.org/news/2016/12/vaugh…
LinePress. #wcus #lineConf #stateOfTheWord instagram.com/p/BNkZtKjhOZM/
Touring the Christmas Village around Philadelphia’s City Hall. #ZadieAlyssa #cityhall instagram.com/p/BNiXePUBuQ0/
Starting #wcus off right with @WordPressDC ! We’re right in the front for opening remarks.
Made it to Philly for WordCamp US. #ZadieAlyssa #wcus #cityhall #philadelphia #philly instagram.com/p/BNfxUWVBXmF/
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Another pouty face for being sick. She’s back to her energetic self now. #ZadieAlyssa instagram.com/p/BNeprT6BPLX/
“Well they just don’t understand the values of #Agile…”
Yeah, because companies are selling this.
Friends don’t let friends fall for fake news. Another effort to help by @SavedYouAClick