Another weekend another carousel.
@JTI519 Yes
We all ended up on the couch at the same time so a family selfie was in order.
#ZadieAlyssa #VeraAddison #selfiesunday
@fugularity @themick23 @Fantrax
@chriscoyier Glad to help point you in the right direction.
@chriscoyier Under the Conditionals section is is_tag() listed as true?
@chriscoyier Under the Hooks & Actions section you can see all of the other functions hooking in to the pre_get_posts action that are possibly modifying the query
@chriscoyier You should see `post` and `page` listed next to `post_type`
@chriscoyier If that doesn’t work time to bring out the debugging tools. Install and activate the Query Monitor plugin (…)
You should see some numbers in the admin bar now. Click them and go to the “Request” section
Awesome floaties at the pool party for JJ’s 2nd birthday party.
The girls saw a black and orange caterpillar this morning. Neither wanted to hold it.
#ZadieAlyssa #VeraAddison #caterpillar
Weird Google search result A/B test. URL was above the title. First image is the weird test, second is what they normally look like.
@kathkat15 Probably something foot related!
A balanced diet is important. That is why I had 3 different kinds of cookies for lunch instead of just one.