“Third parties are probably the fastest way to guarantee a slow site.” @csswizardry: medium.com/pixel-pioneers/speake… #webperf #perfmatters
“Third parties are probably the fastest way to guarantee a slow site.” @csswizardry: medium.com/pixel-pioneers/speake… #webperf #perfmatters
I just launched the Kickstarter for @Hexatope – design your own jewellery with my web app kck.st/2xLsl6Z
@enqueue_russ @projectfi ProjectFI is great if you use less than 5GB of data per month.
@enqueue_russ @projectfi That’s awesome. I crunched some numbers based on my own usage on T-Mobile and Project FI came out slightly more $$$ reddit.com/r/ProjectFi/comments/…
“On Writing Product Roadmaps” by @goberoi goberoi.com/on-writing-product-r…
As promised, I wrote about building @SlackHQ’s new site, featuring shiny new ✨ CSS Grid ✨
@leerdustin @bethsoderberg Even more goodness! kingkool68.com/wp-svg/#/
Thank you to the @wordcampbalt team for putting on such an amazing conference this weekend. Loved it 🙂
Meetup co-organizer @bethsoderberg talking about how Saas isn’t scary at #WCBalt!
I love the @wpMailMe WordPress newsletter! twitter.com/hallwaychats/status/…
“The dumbest programmer I ever met is the programmer I used to be.” – @salcode #wcbalt
Lazy load images with inline SVGs to a better thumbnail experience on @CodePen codepen.io/ainalem/full/aLKxjm/ #lazyload t.co/vu8K1O3caB
@media Poor @media must get this kind of replies all the time from CSS nerds.
In other words…
@media print { “CSS: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition” } twitter.com/meyerweb/status/9178…
@yurivictor No tool to tweet as @yurivictor ?
One week away from the first Happiness Bar of the year, hosted by @agencyCHIEF! RSVP here: meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/24…
@JacksonBates @davatron5000 Man y’all have some creepy kids. My almost 3 year old is afraid of flys eating her but she says some hilarious things otherwise.
@design_tlc @HallwayChats Oh boy then you’ll love v1.russellheimlich.com/ and v2.russellheimlich.com/
I had so much fun doing @HallwayChats. If anyone ever needs a podcast guest hit me up.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.