Netflix. cc/@SavedYouAClick…
I still miss the @BreakingNews account. Please come back.
You’re killing me @github
@round @AtomEditor Sure do.
@round @AtomEditor *punt*
Really enjoyed listening to @fox talk about web performance.
@enqueue_russ @wpengine @wp_rocket It does this weird thing where the HTML is loaded, then the CSS kicks in.
@ev @round @bluechoochoo @Medium 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
@whyisjake Slides for this talk are at… #wcpub.
“Gutenberg is a reimagining of the WordPress text editor to expose some of the mystery meat functionality.” @aaronjorbin
“AMP galleries/slideshows are too generic looking and don’t fit together with Wired’s look” @whyisjake
“Wired likes Google AMP. +25% CTR, +63% CTR on ads, 175K articles.” @whyisjake
“Started injecting newsletter signup promos in Apple News as ads so they can be tracked because newsletters make money” @whyisjake
“Thought readers would flip if we inject a ton of ads. Turns out not aggressive enough. Need to throw in a lot of ads” – @whyisjake
“We’re not making a lot of money with Apple News.” – @whyisjake
Lots of work, very little payback.
“39% of Wired readers are using ad blockers. THAT’S A LOT!” – @whyisjake
“If someone gets on an email list they are 10x more likely become a paid subscriber at Wired.” – @whyisjake
“Everyone should be publishing newsletters. Why? Newsletters make money!” – @whyisjake