@nacin @post_status What’s the deal with weather and traveling these past two days???
@nacin @post_status What’s the deal with weather and traveling these past two days???
@jcstearns @JesseHolcomb @TowCenter Yea but…
@JesseHolcomb @TowCenter From Pew to Tow. Will you ever work somewhere that’s name is more than 3 characters? Congrats.
@aaronjorbin @yurivictor Why don’t you move to Vietnam too?
@jgarber @digitalocean @awscloud … for some things.
@elgreg @rexualhealing Yay adulting! We’ve had to redo our finished basement twice due to flooding. Once the carpet gets soaked we rip it all out.
Thanks for the panorama @googlephotos
@cap @round I’ve got a running archive of all my tweets going at tweets.kingkool68.com
It’s open source github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…
Clock has started. We’ve got about 3 years to preserve old Flash-based interactive graphics. What’s the plan? cc @RJIJDNA twitter.com/adobe/status/8898781…
@axios @ckrewson “Ad tech can slow down publisher sites if there are too many cookies dropped on a page,”
More like too much 3rd party JavaScript.
@ckrewson @billy_penn Alternate title: “Where to Toss Your Salad in Center City”
Disability is a mismatch between someone’s capabilities and the available environment. NOT a personal condition. 🌿 @katholmes #dcc17 t.co/pGPBLCnA9S
@DanRiffle @rossk I can’t read the footnote. What is this a measure of? 844 doesn’t mean anything.
The evolution of understanding by @janchip #fieldstudyhandbook #dwgnotes
I opened 1691 tabs in @FirefoxNightly. You won’t believe what happened next. metafluff.com/2017/07/21/i-am-a-…
Have you submitted your @wordcampbalt speaker application? What are you waiting for? Today is the last day! #WCBalt 2017.baltimore.wordcamp.org/call…
@WesLinda @wordcampbalt @WordPress Archives links, media, categorizes, and a nifty 404 page tweets.kingkool68.com/my-404-pag…
@wordcampbalt @WordPress I wrote a Twitter Backup plugin and theme github.com/kingkool68/wordpress-…
A special thank you to all my fellow @WordPressDC @WordCampDC organizers, past and present. We came together last night for a photo… #WCDC t.co/1VbzYKHkM1
@courtneydawn @desigonz @halfempty @TheWarholMuseum i c wut u did there
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.