We’re hiring a video and motion graphics producer @pewresearch. Come work with me! pewrsr.ch/video-producer

I answered 9 of 10 questions correctly on the @pewresearch Cybersecurity Quiz pewrsr.ch/2nK1X8c

@rektide @jgarber Thank goodness these small time publishers can get the help they need via Google’s vast infrastructure & resources…

@rektide @jgarber The only reason people are bothering is for the Google placement.

I’m 31 years old and have never been to a Red Lobster. Tonight that changes. Happy 16 years of dating @naudebynature!

@mr_suh @JoannaBrenner hunting The elusive Denver The Last Dinosaur…

So I’m *super* geeked to be joining the brilliant team at @spiritedmediaco (home of @dnvrite @theinclinepgh & @billy_penn). Woo!

@ysolda @rachelandrew USAA has an attractive interface

@daniellealberti @joannabrenner Welcome to the freak of nature club!

@courtneydawn @daljo628 I be sad

@lego_group @cdharrison How do you get anything done if no one knows what is going on?

@JessSchillinger @wysac hoo rah! Looking good!

Hey #NICAR17 the digital team @pewresearch is hiring! See our listing on the jobs board, or give me a shout t.co/TmY1A2UfF6

Welp, I know where I never want to apply for a job…
(Polluting the dev console on my own site is shitty @Scribd)

@logoninternet @round What region is that?

@pierson_pat That’s why I use @KeyCDN

Hey @OscarTheGrouch u up?
cc @JimmyKimmel

Hey @realDonaldTrump u up?