There. Submitted a talk to @WordCampUS just before the midnight (pacific time) deadline. I hope I get picked.
Shorter @instagram: “We’ve finally removed `user-scalable=no` from our viewport `<meta>` element.” #a11y…
@runcommand @danielbachhuber Actually it’s a more nuanced answer. Milliseconds unless all the values are larger than a second, then seconds
@runcommand @danielbachhuber milliseconds until it gets to 1 second.
Everything fits in the layout when everyone’s name is Jane Doe. @vlh #aeachi
@s_plum @steph_hay Hey I know her.
@davatron5000 @austinjs I LOL’d at the JS promise joke.
Performance > design. Nobody waits. Your site is only beautiful if someone sees it. @zeldman #aeachi
Thanks, TV news, for just now telling me what @billy_penn told me this morning
@fugularity @smashley017 Is this a code word for something???
@karlgroves @jfc3 alt text: Javascript is required for this site to function, please enable.
@kevinmarks @heyAdamCrouch 60Kb for HTML, eh? Could we set the bar even lower?
@jameschurchman @jensimmons I thought so too so I made a thing…
@AstickofGum @ammy914 “those animals”
@brownpau I picture @jimmyfallon as Ash.
@chriscoyier @davatron5000 Only 24 hours and 50 minutes of @ShopTalkShow/@CodePen Radio until I’m all caught up…
.@theinclinepgh now has an editor (@LexiBelc), an office in Pittsburgh and — ta-da — a logo. Launch coming…