@kathkat15 @AstickofGum way to sign it to the man
@jaredcaldwell @Stammy this is probably the best most level headed answer I’ve ever heard about jpeg vs. RAW. Thanks
@johnpbloch @markjaquith Yup that is it.
@johnpbloch @markjaquith had a good way of doing that in some boilerplate thingy I saw a while ago. I need to dig it up.
@anthonydpaul @elgreg see flyer for your neighborhood code, go to county site to lookup code if you neighborhood is scheduled, otherwise fu
@anthonydpaul @elgreg this year Montgomery county totally hid the days they were doing leaf pickup in some obscure lookup process
@anthonydpaul @elgreg mornings of trash days I awake in terror. 2x a week because we suburban hard.
Coworkers Twitter handle is @beepybop but accidentally went to @beepyboop (NSFW)
Resume-worthy workplace achievement unlocked! Thanks @Yammer
“If evolution is real, why are there still sandwiches *and* Hot Pockets?” @seamusleahy
Check out the @WordPressDC Genius Bar tomorrow night at @MyBigChief! I’ll be there to help with all things theme. meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/22…
@daniellealberti @mr_suh Exhibit A: russellheimlich.com/russell-on-a…
Radical Redesign or Incremental Change? nngroup.com/articles/radical-inc… via @nngroup
@AstickofGum @fugularity did it have your Mohawk?
@beepybop @guardian @albertocairo And kills my browser in the process.