@anthonydpaul @johnpbloch Busted pipe flooding the basement for me.
@anthonydpaul @johnpbloch Busted pipe flooding the basement for me.
@rossk the first @barcampdc was so eye opening to me. I miss those days.
I’ve often said that @yurivictor is the smartest person I know, this talk proves it youtube.com/watch?v=bYOOCG1gAaM
“From URL to query” slides eth.pw/wpdc14
@ethitter #wpdc
Focus on who you are, who your brand is, and writing for your audience. Think about SEO later. @EricMann of @10up at @WordPressDC
@kurtroberts @taupecat @dakhran @nacin There’s still some. Otherwise we’ll get more.
The @WordPressDC stream is at ustream.tv/broadcaster/19300886
Introducing Shortcake, a UI framework for WordPress shortcodes: next.fusion.net/2014/11/10/intro… via @davisshaver @thisisfusion
We are excited to be sponsoring tonight’s @WordPressDC #Meetup at @WeWorkDC Wonder Bread. See you there. ow.ly/E2oSz
@AstickofGum @SmellyICE want an invite
@AstickofGum @SmellyICE maybe.
@mr_suh @JoannaBrenner they would match your tights.
@yurivictor @trepmal Although all of those places are from blog posts… russellheimlich.com/blog/prince-… russellheimlich.com/blog/electio… russellheimlich.com/blog/the-fir…
@yurivictor @trepmal Yea similar for me to minus the Supreme Court google.com/maps/search/Russell+H…
@trepmal @yurivictor These are some weirdly specific results Google google.com/maps/search/yuri+vict…
@pauljadam @jfc3 Shop Talk show is talking about accessibility stuff right now shoptalkshow.com/live/
@fugularity @astickofgum @baconforjesse #47 Old Mister Rogers looks like the eHarmony guy.
@johnpbloch @tlovett12 ah I see $r[‘no_found_rows’] = true;
@tlovett12 @johnpbloch Curious what the differences between WP_Query and get_posts() are? You can pass other WP_Query args to get_posts()
@joannabrenner @daniellealberti Whoaaaaa now. Actually it’s about ethics in videogame journalism.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.