Just bought a license for @git_fork because it’s awesome and I love me a good GUI for working with Git
@TheBlackNerd When I was a bartender, there were a couple of college kids at one end of the bar arguing about whether they’d rather be shot or stabbed, when an old guy who was just quietly drinking well whiskey said “stabbing hurts worse when it happens, gettin’ shot hurts worse the next day”.
@babysoftluke @Media Screen size does not equal device
@anthonydpaul @LinkedIn so weird
@mpiccorossi @NFL So dumb!
@dbchhbr @ausi You should mention the historical context around this github.com/ausi/respimagelint/is…
@fhinkel @Microsoft Was your first task “Buy Activision”?
@davatron5000 @____lighthouse Doctors hate this one weird trick
@JustinFerriman Launched a new blog redesign for @CoderPad coderpad.io/blog/
This is totally not an original thought. Thanks @MrNishKumar
@dburka @elycecole *squints*
Is that the new Firefox logo?
@zachleat You should still let @davatron5000 invest…
@ckrewson @brianboyer @billy_penn I wish we built it better
@kingkool68 we just missed the 15 year anniversary of this great tweet. twitter.com/kingkool68/status/26…
@fugularity @fboutsiders Tell that to the Titans
@fugularity @fboutsiders They’re a tiny bird! Everything else on that list could crush them.
Checking the DOM for a class? Quick lesson on state variable and cycling thru an array, digging into @chriscoyier’s lil code block youtube.com/watch?v=hXrHZ_LSzkk
@fugularity @RickWrightNow Like ALF!
@dbchhbr @BunnyCDN for serving and dynamically resizing images. See support.bunny.net/hc/en-us/artic…
github.com/humanmade/tachyon-plu… to handle rewriting image URLs in WordPress.