Check out the #NextAmerica with animated graphs and videos and flipping photos: pewresearch.org/next-america/ a @pewresearch interactive
Check out the #NextAmerica with animated graphs and videos and flipping photos: pewresearch.org/next-america/ a @pewresearch interactive
“Using pixels is not very polite” – @vasilis on font sizing and media queries. A good read: nerd.vasilis.nl/using-pixels-pol…
I guess “Here’s [why | where | how | who | what | when]” is in the official @voxdotcom style guide. It’s on the HP 9 times.
“They’re abandoning the Titanic by hitching a ride on the Hindenberg.” @adactio on The Brooklyn Museum, Flickr, etc. adactio.com/journal/6739/
@taupecat @trepmal I like how in BASH scripts you end if statements with fi…
if foo
blah blah blah
@chriscoyier Haven’t tested it but this should do what you asked for on @ShopTalkShow gist.github.com/kingkool68/99586…
How to make your tables less terrible, in a gif. i.imgur.com/ZY8dKpA.gif h/t @esagara
@lucasdailey @anthonydpaul HTML/CSS
Meetup tomorrow 7pm -> Accessible jQuery talk w/ @karlgroves & @dcjquery at @canvascowork in DC: meetup.com/DC-jQuery-Users-Group…
@trepmal @anthonydpaul You should. This would have saved me a lot of agony if I stumbled on it.
@anthonydpaul @trepmal Ahem… you spelled Vim wrong.
@franktweets @joannabrenner Is your cats name fhqwhgads? Maybe tonight you’ll get lucky.
@mikengarrett @aebsr Restarted Chrome (forcibly) and the problem is fixed. Weird.
@karlgroves @ewaccess Yes. @canvascowork has an elevator and should be accessible for a wheelchair.
@anthonydpaul @duqe @phparch @sandys1 Same reason you think Coffeescript is a good idea…
@anthonydpaul @phparch @SandyS1 I know your post is a joke. But this is a real thing phpjs.org/
Please RT! Last Week’s jQuery DC event has been rescheduled to this Thursday ow.ly/vak4R cc @AccessibilityDC
No longer active on Twitter in any meaningful way