@nguyetv @starsoup7 It’s like Geocities meets Pinterest.

@snorels Yea but who would you root for if they went head to head Hunger Games style? cc/@msinkiat @lani_rox

@bpmarkowitz @desandro Yahoo Answer’d

Dope remix from @MSSLCMMND @DanielBiltmore soundcloud.com/msslcmmnd/gas-ped… #bayarea #hellathickshakeitlikearednose

The infinite conference call simulator conferencecall.biz/ via @EllieSemantic

“There will be 3.8 billion devices connected to the internet by 2017, or 2 billion more than we see today” – @marissamayer

Welp, the web was fun while it lasted. RT @w3c: Motion Picture Association of America, Inc. joined W3C

@snowpunk @smashley017 WTF is wrong with your employers?

“@Gizmodo: Here’s how ridiculous this year’s CES will look in 2034 gizmo.do/6SEFis3 ” WEARABLES 1.0 #CES

@chuckborowicz @talbs Good work my friend.

@chuckborowicz @talbs Entertaining us on Twitter is your job! NOW GET TO WORK!

@astickofgum @smellyice Why are you asking Twitter? Ask your unborn child… it’s all about them!

@smellyice @astickofgum After every 2 showings of Groundhog Day you should play one viewing of Dejavu imdb.com/title/tt0453467/

Space invader socks. Thanks @kathkat15 and Alex. instagram.com/p/i09k2kDe_M/

@williamsba @aaronjorbin define support?

@snowpunk @astickofgum And both have terrible websites you come to expect from dentists.

Repeat after us: Winter storm ≠ end of global warming ow.ly/sf0Af Listen up, @realDonaldTrump, @drudge, @EWerickson

Last movie of the year… (@ Regal Potomac Yard Stadium 16 – @regalmovies for Saving Mr. Banks w/ 2 others) 4sq.com/1lyh8EY