@mr_suh @joannabrenner Shit looks tacky. Store your notes on your computer.
@mr_suh @joannabrenner Shit looks tacky. Store your notes on your computer.
@snowpunk @AstickofGum I don’t know how you guys live with yourselves.
@expat_therapy @getnarrative Uh huh. Same thing was said with the invention of the camera forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/201…
@ppatel @jfc3 @mreumann Why not? He just wants something with Word?
@ppatel @jfc3 @mreumann @sinabahram Might want to swing by the Microsoft store in Pentagon Mall and try it out a little bit.
@ppatel @jfc3 @mreumann @sinabahram You can go with an older Microsoft Surface amazon.com/gp/product/B009XE0K7W… Comes preloaded with Office
@jfc3 @sinabahram @ppatel @mreumann Don’t you have an iPad? Get a bluetooth keyboard case + something like this pcworld.com/article/2062785/micr…
@ammy914 @naudebynature got us an electric blanket as well. Each side can have different temps.
Looks like a 90s sitcom intro “@BaltimorePolice: Check out our new #ASaferBaltimore logo. What do you think? ”
@karlgroves It laid out everything you need to recreate to make DIV/SPAN’s as accessible as A/BUTTON but I can’t find the link… cc/@jfc3
I want to go to there RT @SarahNEmerson: Hi, there’s an aquarium where you can shake hands with otters
@smellyice @astickofgum Oh… well in that case just use the force.
@smellyice @astickofgum Pray it away.
My Inner Animal is a Big Horn Sheep. Find yours and adopt it at: bit.ly/wrt54R via @world_wildlife
@smashley017 @fugularity You need a dish wand with a plastic scraper edgy thing.
@AstickofGum @naudebynature we are here for a friends wedding.
@danielmall Dave Desandro @desandro
@farrelley @aebsr what is it good for?!?!!?
@harbingeralpha @wordpressvip @brownpau Read this as NSA not NASA.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.