Hardcore. “@mikemaccana: @ChromiumDev + @gruntjs live reload + @kingkool68’s dummyimage.com = design-in-browser ULTRA COMBO.”
Hardcore. “@mikemaccana: @ChromiumDev + @gruntjs live reload + @kingkool68’s dummyimage.com = design-in-browser ULTRA COMBO.”
@JoannaBrenner @mpiccorossi You mean betterthankittens.com/ ?
@lizrawr @anthonydpaul This has worked pretty well russellheimlich.com/blog/combat-…
@elgreg @nekolaweb said he was going.
@JoannaBrenner @jeffjarvis The 0’s and 1’s are just how we translate our world to something a computer can understand.
@JoannaBrenner @jeffjarvis The Internet is us.
Do what you do best and link to the rest -@jeffjarvis in the @pewresearch house.
“When you learn to code, you’re learning to think precisely, logically, and analytically” hilarymason.com/blog/learn-to-co… by @hmason #ddj #dataviz
Are you indecisive? No? Yes? Not sure? Well then, DECISIONTRON (v2.7)! decisiontron.com Funded by Murphy Foundation (@grahammurphy)
@Smashley017 @fugularity kinky. #bondage
@realz @VerizonFiOS Be prepared to have a computer hard wired in and spend a day with the tech making calls and running tests.
@JoannaBrenner @bbaiiey WTF is the point of a hedgehog. It’s like one step above a guinea pig.
@JoannaBrenner @bbaiiey You’re missing out on Sonic the Hedgehog.
@aebsr @jessabean that’s still a high concentration of skinny jeans and plaid.
@JoannaBrenner @nekolaweb you should have seen our IMs.
TRUTH! @aaronjorbin: “enemy is NOT other open source projects; the enemy is closed-source.” #WCBalt
@amandafrench When you think of @aaronjorbin think of this halfelf.org/wp-content/uploads/s…
@amandafrench @aaronjorbin @nacin No worries 🙂 They’re basically one in the same.
@amandafrench The person presenting is @aaronjorbin but @nacin is here too! Just clarifying.
@jonverve @williamsba @aaronjorbin One way to autotweet during your presentation code.google.com/p/keynotetweet/
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.