Lunch break (at @LogansRoadhouse w/ 2 others) [pic]: 4sq.com/10CVzPm
Lunch break (at @LogansRoadhouse w/ 2 others) [pic]: 4sq.com/10CVzPm
On the road to Columbia, SC for Converge SE conference. @jfc3 is driving. I’m tweeting.
“If trust matters to your business, then design details should matter too.” —@kowitz medium.com/design-startups/c012e…
“Solve a real problem, or please get out of my way.” – @dewde on using WordPress frameworks 8bit.io/on-wordpress-theme-frame…
Bowlin’ (at @BowlmorLanes Bethesda w/ 2 others) [pic]: 4sq.com/Zhz2E8
Tonight I learned about all the work @Nacin and crew do to make WordPress just work.
I’m speaking at @DCPHP tonight! Hear about the hoops WordPress jumps through to make sure it works everywhere. meetup.com/DC-PHP/events/1100168…
The women are running this @WordPressDC meetup. Guys are all cowering in the back.
Go @naudebynature! She’s running the Cherry Blossom 10-miler today.
@Rarst @trepmal @ahockley You might laugh but fax might be the way to go. That’s how they transmit medical paperwork.
WordPress 3.6 beta 1 is about to drop. Wanna know what’s inside? I’ll preview it at next week’s @WordPressDC meetup! meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/11…
I just backed Easy Chirp 2: Contribute to an Inclusive Twittersphere on @Kickstarter kck.st/17dkAAE
@DanPhilibin @kylecotter A good podcast that discusses how BitCoin works and the cryptography behind it twit.tv/sn287
A decent turnout and some good discussion of libraries, staging/development setup, and deployments at the first @wordpressdc dev lunch.
Join Us on April 9! @frijolita presents #realtalk from the editor of the AARP blog and @taupecat demoes WordPress 3.6 meetup.com/wordpressdc/events/11…
@AstickofGum @naudebynature is going to NYC this weekend for dress shopping for a friends wedding. I’m staying home.
@bdkjones So are artists that still use paint falling behind the times? cc/@aljaydavids @chriscoyier
@aljaydavids @chriscoyier @bdkjones It’s another layer of syntax to learn.
@Julesmarie @wordpressdc Need a permission slip? I’ll be happy to sign one.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.