@desandro @chriscoyier @codepen I think you’re thinking of Inconsolata as the open source font levien.com/type/myfonts/inconsol…
@desandro @chriscoyier @codepen I think you’re thinking of Inconsolata as the open source font levien.com/type/myfonts/inconsol…
Yo, @calebogden, I’ve got a great face, you should add it to uifaces.com
@pencilcaseapp This twitter handle @gmail.com
@nacin @koop “@mpiccorossi Spent the last hour managing images in the new(-ish) @WordPress 3.5.1 Media Library. Very nice! Kudos!”
@AstickofGum @naudebynature SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I LOVE SNOW!
“Responsive design is not going to fix your content problem.” – @karenmcgrane #ConfabUK
@aaronjorbin @naudebynature I mean I passed her an ore and everything… Jeez what’s her deal?!!
7 years ago the first tweet was published. 12 years ago I asked @naudebynature to go out with me.
@aaronjorbin @mauramaura Having sex in the champagne room.
o hi i just rickrolled all of @usnews before leaving brownpau.com/?p=5527
@Illizian @zoltarspeaks No worries just setting the record straight.
@Illizian @zoltarspeaks Mine’s been around since 2007 russellheimlich.com/blog/list-of…
T-Mobile Plans March 26 Event to Tout Big Changes Coming -by @inafried dthin.gs/108XXtP
@DKThomp @randallb Source: stateofthemedia.org/2013/newspap…
And then… @Flickr added #hashtags.
Curse you @threadless and you’re $10 sales! Actually, I love Threadless. My shrinking closet is what I hate.
@brownpau @wyclif @chrisod tt-rss.org is ok if you have a decent server. My shared host not so much. I’m liking feedly
@anna_debenham @boagworld Google Now is available on the Nexus 7. Well here in the US at least.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.