@RWD @jensimmons The way it’s often used, display:none is like throwing everything into the closet when visitors are coming over.
@RWD @jensimmons The way it’s often used, display:none is like throwing everything into the closet when visitors are coming over.
@nekolaweb Is one of those design notes breaking scroll functionality? If so, @quartznews does it in record time.
@mpiccorossi @beepybop @nekolaweb Atleast it’s not Lobster… google.com/webfonts/specimen/Lob…
@sarakgoo “@technotheory: sure, I’d recommend running through GGP to Ocean Beach, and then along Lands End & back… about 12 miles”
@mpiccorossi @ONAConf @jkeefe That’s a super old version of Highcharts you’ve got bundled in there.
After installing @typekit, elements are ‘flashing’ when a @jQuery animate() event fires. Does anyone know how to fix that? #javascript #help
.@dcist praises the Examiner’s unerring front page news judgment. is.gd/v45PfI
Found today’s soundtrack “@andy_helms: 4 hours of mega man music :O bit.ly/RLFiMr”
Just passed @kingkool68 on the street commuting. No words necessary. Fist bump.
Went to a meetup in DC and @greglinch wasn’t there. I am confused.
@aaronjorbin @jennison I smell a dual a brewin.
@booaggabao Was it a $5 foot long between you and @MichaelPhelps ?
@CloudFlare @grum_dot_com So the entire Johns Hopkins School of Public Health IP range is trouble?
@grum_dot_com Talk to @cloudflare about why you keep seeing a Captcha when you try visiting CloudFlare powered sites.
This is quite the social studies lesson plan — “@BreakingNews: Chicago teachers plan massive march toward district headquarters”
GoDaddy Outage Takes Down Millions Of Sites tcrn.ch/QyAlfq by @klintron
@JoannaBrenner @pewinternet or “Blue Waffle Disease”
@VerizonSupport What’s the longest ethernet cable you guys have? cc/@freshyill
Nice. RT @clickonITtoo: Content strategy ties your information together in a way the enterprise can understand and support.”
@zamoose Hey @verizonfios, you should really help my friend out here. He’s starting to hurt himself over lack of FiOS.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.