@epalf @msinkiat @casper_edora I guess you’ve never used the Chipotle burrito nutrition info calculator is.gd/cKyZp
@MattBowen @rossk You mean like this bit.ly/a3Zu0i Now the boss will never know you’re tweeting at work.
I was just thinking that same thought RT @mattbango Textures are quickly becoming the “gloss” of the “Web 2.0” days.
That would be a great add-on option! Most don’t care RT @primerano why don’t online photo shops print EXIF data on the back of pictures.
@msinkiat Did you see Billy? I went to college with him. @naudebynature knows him too!
RT @thenexus1 guys the figure is higher then first reported @TmoNews twitpic.com/25uc0o
RT @BYT For those of us who survived the morning, a picture of the devastation in Gaithersburg. twitpic.com/25txue
RT @eighty5original Spell check much, @sobeworld ? twitpic.com/25mndo
Detroit still has 100k homes w/ electricity? RT @BreakingNews Detroit storm leaves 100,000 homes without electricity bit.ly/9uzHKw
I missed out too RT @jgarber Blast! Slept through an earthquake, apparently.
@epalf @naudebynature, @itsrayshelle & @jinaldo were watching that movie last night.
RT @technotheory Seen on an EventBrite: “The Tweetup will kick off right after the unconference.” #pleasekillme
RT @corpulentchris I keep finding these handy websites for making building websites easier. bit.ly/bqXeme #toolazytousephotoshop
WTF?! Insight Communications straight-up stole Apple’s site design & layout myinsight.com (via @jimbrochowski @amoon66 @jriga)
@phoopee3 @cameronmoll placehold.it downloaded code from dummyimage.com and added a new interface basically. I helped him upgrade it.
RT @Jennison @kingkool68 Lol. You should see the braille menu for Cheesecake Factory. It’s biblical in size, talk about a long read.
Just set-up my @chumby at the new place and made it my new alarm clock. It’s an AWESOME alarm clock.
RT @msinkiat I think that at 9pm tonight, Lebron James will announce that he’ll be joining Team Coco.
RT @charliepark Platypus be platyplatin’.