RT @superpixels OK, so if no free bumpers, how about some free cases that make my iPhone 4 look like a 3GS? Because clearly THOSE helped 😉
Web Accessibility Link Roundup for June by curator extraordinare @webaxe via @Jennison bit.ly/cwL1dB
RT @mpiccorossi thank you twitter for forcing people to learn to write concisely
Yeaaaaaaaaa….. RT @aziz_light LOL! RT @davidwalshblog: Go to #google , type in “2204355”, and click “I’m Feeling Lucky”
RT @msinkiat When there r thousands of people lining up for the iPhone 4, can you really say you’re one of the first to own one?
Is there anything @desandro can’t do? RT Developed a resource to style directory listings. Windex cleans up your index! bit.ly/9Kz4G8
AGREED RT @cameronmoll Overall, ESPN.com has done a fantastic job broadcasting #worldcup. Being able to watch #ENG and #USA at once a plus.
I just ousted @willymf1 as the mayor of Woomi Korean Bar-b-cue on @foursquare! 4sq.com/5UJQSf
Win a new Canon 5D MK II or $2500 of photo scans from @scancafe & Scott Bourne. Pls RT. Info at: bit.ly/9FxEUA
RT @chriscoyier It’s on! WordPress 3.0 released – bit.ly/cX8p2g
RT @superpixels I think someone has been beating up Cookie Monster. Units have been dispatched to 123 Sesame St.
RT @xxCGxx “I’m nestle when it’s crunch time”
FML TWITTER BOTS! RT @FourSale RT @kingkool68: Getting a lot of calls about a lawn mower and splitter for sale…
Me 2. This is how a news site should look. RT @WilHarris Really liking the new look Times. www.thetimes.co.uk .
@msinkiat @mouseymik I bid $11
Might update my Nexus1 tomorrow RT @philipberne Dear every other company: Google promised an update in weeks, delivered in days. Do that.
RT @coderbrown Here’s an example of where dummyimage.com comes in really handy: twitpic.com/1owfqv
I just ousted @lhroadkill as the mayor of Giant Food – Aspen Hill on @foursquare! 4sq.com/5NQPn0
RT @mlavelles Lord Kelvin: “If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.” BP: “There’s just no way to measure it.” nyti.ms/91Aqzt