@tmonews @joehobot You can run Windows on a Mac but you can’t run OSX on a PC. Basically anything that can run a browser works for me.
All about the greatest shirt ever made bit.ly/236pG1/ RT @Goodakm:bit.ly/AuPcb – Hilarious shirt at the lolcats talk #dctalks
@farrelley @mattbowen Wait you need to have a seperate googlewave e-mail address? That sounds a little stupid. Doesn’t everyone have a g …
RT @technotheory:If there’s one thing we can all learn from lawyers and government officials, it’s how to communicate ambiguity w/confidence
@seclarke @leolaporte has some bite to him bit.ly/111Zhp #ONA09
It’s like Gravatar for your Twitter stream RT @charliepark:I launched a new web app today: twinkylinks.com.
Verifying my #twinkylinks account: (TjbGX). @twinkylinks connects your blog comments to your twitter account: twinkylinks.com
This is an awesome song about texting. It’s what I’ve been listening to on @grooveshark lately ping.fm/ojeYH
@seclarke @leolaporte should be speaking at #ONA09 Wish I could see his speech.
@theorem_ @brownpau Apple already has a tablet with ubiquitous wireless: it’s called the iPhone.
Saving for retirement in plain english from @commoncraft ping.fm/ijMJz
This is what I do. RT @mattbango:Why front-end developers are so important to the future of businesses on the web: bit.ly/21svTi
Neither do I! RT @jcarbaugh:For the record, I have absolutely no interest in a Google Wave invite.
RT @barcampdc:BarCampDC3 will be Nov 14. RSVP to find out ticket availability. Sponsorship open now. bit.ly/4pyvCF
I’ll be there too! RT @BlankSky:I’m attending Accessibility Camp DC — bit.ly/GdD4a
@zeldman Hey that’s in DC. You should hook up with @refreshdc next time you’re in town.
Grrrrr! RT @nancyshute NYT writes on new Pew study (trust in journo accuracy at new low) but no link. here’s the report is.gd/3gdsx
RT @brownpau:A disappointing presidential speech, which completely failed to address why the new iPod Touch line has no cameras.
Hi score: 3587 RT @bobthecow:This is hot: ping.fm/YUMKS