RT @chucknorris_: The following is a short list of things Chuck Norris cannot do: .
RT @socialdevcamp: It’s official: Barcamp Baltimore @barcampbmore is on for June 13, 2009 at UB. SocialDevCamp East #3 is on for Nov 7, 2009
Going to Silver Spring with @naudebynature to have dinner with a college friend.
The new Digg search looks fantastic digg.com/d1oLpo Nice job @dburka
@saip106 I wouldn’t say don’t use @Import for CSS, just don’t mix <link> and @Import. tr.im/ivdO
notdoppler.com/robotdinosaurs.ph… Robot Dinosaurs that shoot beams when they roar via @brownpau
RT @whafro: A quick post on [how much] segmenting by media type [sucks, even though sites still do it] bit.ly/3lSe
@johncollins what charts were you referring to from @usnews I work there and we like hearing about stuff we do well.
RT @farrelley just because its Earth Hour I have turned on all lights, started a load of laundry and drying one. and started the dish washer
Just signed up for @BootstrapMD Should be an interesting day.
@Whitmoyer I felt the same way about that inspiration/salespitch from @nettuts
Starting the long journey of documenting some of the code we use here @usnews This could take many months.
Awesome flash thumbdrive for Canon fans is.gd/pf14 (via @engadget) #photo
@fugularity Apparently @calacanis would pay to use Twitter is.gd/oZ0K
@seclarke @Johnsonccra says it is an armadillo is.gd/p8nZ
Dear @latimes Your multimedia gallery is a pain in the ass to use. Scrolling through the pictures is nearly impossible.
RT @refreshdc on Thursday night @mrjbrown will be talking web education, progress & roadblocks. CDIA, 7p. bit.ly/4FO9PL
People @usnews are learning about Twitter.
Setup my #bracket for the March Madness Roomie Tournament with @lazerz4eyes and @fugularity
@MattBowen I’m a fan of SmartSVN is.gd/yzH X- platform, intuitive. @smashingmag had a svn post recently is.gd/mLKC