šš¾ Iām looking for mid-level engineering opportunities in NYC, DC or remotely. Iām a Full Stack engineer and community organizer of @reactjsladies. Last year, I spoke at @reactjsgirls and @reactjs conf. RTs would be appreciated.
š aboutmonica.com/resume.pdf twitter.com/waterproofheart/stat…
@AndyManganelli @MKBHD Does your magical elf make cookies?
@QuinnyPig @bequinning Expecting what? Your CloudFront distribution changes to deploy?
@AGlingeanu @chriscoyier I changed one of my tools to work by manually copying and pasting the HTML source of an Instagram URL because it was good enough for the job that needed to be done.
@AGlingeanu @chriscoyier See ultratools.com/tools/ipWhoisLook… which provides WHOIS information about an IP address. You can see the organization that owns it and the range of IP addresses they own. With that they can build a list. They also probably dynamically block IPs based on irregular behavior.
This video was so good and what turned me on to @outline youtube.com/watch?v=HA18oyyG-xg twitter.com/leahfinnegan/status/…
@chipcullen @zachleat I like your style guide link in the footer. I think every website should have one of those.
@taupecat @erikteichmann @getpantheon To stick to the theme of your Twitter handle, it’s the cat’s pajamas
Love this!
90+ vanilla JavaScript recipes for common DOM tasks.
@jbenton @aaronjorbin @nytimes Are unemployment numbers cumulative? Like people who claimed unemployment last week are claiming unemployment again this week? Or are the 6 million claims newly unemployed people?
@joerobot @zachleat The animated header intro part makes me happy.
@mattcampux @chopse @JedBridges The thing on the right is a skin tag remover. You use the device to put a tiny rubber band around it cutting blood supply to the skin tag where it will eventually fall off.
Tanya Corrin lived each moment of her life under constant surveillance, with 32 cameras in her apartment (inc. in the toilet bowl) streaming her every move. For @Dazed, she tells me what she learned, and reflects on the bond she formed with her viewers
CSS Findings From The New Facebook Design from @shadeed9
@courtneydawn @aaronjorbin May April be the ape-iest!
@MikePetes @hunterwalk YES! the kids love this game and its a good workout for me
@mpiccorossi @vanessamadethis The best is when the commercial says “Be right back after 60 seconds.” Two clicks on the remote and you’re golden.
Looks like @CoinMarketCap didn’t get the NO APRIL FOOLS DAY gags memo