@benadam11 @miked1ck Ages ago I took over a website and found out they were using Microsoft Access to manage their content. To prove it worked the outgoing developer cut all of the cells to his clipboard, refreshed the website where there was no content, then pasted all of the content back. 😱
If you’re working with JavaScript’s Intersection Observer API @pomber’s Intersection Observer Debugger library is so useful. Easily able to visualize the root (purple) that triggers if elements are intersecting or not.
@defunkt @AtomEditor Oh man Growl was so awesome!
@bpeebles @justindotnet @DominionEnergy Shouldn’t have blown up that balloon…
@Rmmmsy @RealBrysonGray Don’t watch. Porn!
@aaronmeder @wpmark I wrote a plugin to do it
After troubleshooting PHPMail in @WordPress, I wrote the following code that works with @LocalWP.
@tomfinley @chimammeje I found this video a good overview for getting up and running: youtu.be/cN1Jcfxi4qs
@babysoftluke @DevMoroh This is what happens when you do float based layouts
@DerekAshauer @wpengine @SiteGround @WPShowoff Resize to 600px wide, crop to 600x500px from the top –> i0.wp.com/s.ma.tt/files/2012/06/…
@DerekAshauer @wpengine @SiteGround @WPShowoff You sure?
Original: i0.wp.com/s.ma.tt/files/2012/06/…
Resized to 400 pixels wide, cropped 60% rectangle from the top left corner:
Resized to 400 pixels wide, cropped 100% width and 50% of the height from the top left corner:
@DerekAshauer @wpengine @SiteGround @WPShowoff WordPress’s Photon image service has got you developer.wordpress.com/docs/pho…
@mde @brianleroux Yes! I started with Prototype but it was too computer sciencey. jQuery spoke to front end developers. The syntax was so good!
@fugularity @Brandon_Warne Holden Caulfield
@michelleames I had a really good soup at @WordCampLanc one year
@cassandrafaris I craft all of my slides using Reveal.js (the framework powering @slides), version control them on GitHub, and then gather them all up at slides.russellheimlich.com/
@ThisIsKennySoto @sara_pion Technically ChatGPT stole everyone’s ideas
The yaml document from hell.
“For a data format, yaml is extremely complicated. It aims to be a human-friendly format, but in striving for that it introduces so much complexity, that I would argue it achieves the opposite result.”
Excellent post on the history of Xbox design: arun.is/blog/xbox/ by @zhenpixels
@MrAhmadAwais The Religious Landscape Survey from @PewReligion
Lots of data crunching and there is the ability to flip variables around and keeping the language correct when you do so.