@WordCampLanc @aaronjorbin Changing data formats in WordPress is hard. There is one site that has over a billion posts (WordPress.com)
@WordCampLanc @aaronjorbin This is @aaronjorbin’s favorite WordPress trac ticket: core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/1…
Custom Post Status bug that has been open 9 years.
@WordCampLanc @aaronjorbin Everyone is bad at estimating how long something will take.
“How long will it take to build a website?” is almost as hard as “How much does a website cost?”
– @aaronjorbin
@WordCampLanc @aaronjorbin Part of being a senior developer is mentoring other people, helping them grow, helping them break down work into small manageable steps.
@WordCampLanc @aaronjorbin @aaronjorbin’s super powers:
– Writing code that gets thrown away
– Being in meetings
@WordCampLanc @aaronjorbin We need to expand beyond WordPress to other things like Drupal, Rails, React etc. How are they solving problems? How can that come back to WordPress.
@WordCampLanc @aaronjorbin When you only know one skill in web development you miss out on solutions using other technologies. Going broad about different knowledge expands your base and the potential to see new solutions.
@WordCampLanc @aaronjorbin @aaronjorbin spends less time coding PHP or JavaScript these days and more time coding in Excel as a director.
@WordCampLanc @aaronjorbin Being intermediate is not bad.
@WordCampLanc @aaronjorbin The biggest part of your developer career will be as an intermediate developer. Being a senior developer is not easy. Not everyone wants to be a senior level developer.
@WordCampLanc @aaronjorbin You’ll see junior developers, developers, and senior developers. But not intermediate developers.
@WordCampLanc @aaronjorbin “My first job I was a Senior Backend Engineer. How could I be a senior engineer in my first job?” @aaronjorbin
Ignore job titles. Job titles are worthless in tech.
@kingkool68 talking about TWIG at @WCLANC #learnnewthings
Last talk before the panel @WordCampLanc
“Intermediate Topics in WordPress Development” by @aaronjorbin
@daljo628 “Adding DOT COM to the end of any business isn’t going to result in more profits. We saw this during the DOT COM Bubble.” – @daljo628
@daljo628 Do things that Don’t Scale by @paulg – paulgraham.com/ds.html
Why we’re doing things that don’t scale by @jasonfried – signalvnoise.com/posts/3589-why-…
@daljo628 “If your business failed it probably isn’t because you used a free theme. If it was, the theme probably wasn’t actually the problem” – @daljo628
Back to live tweeting.
“Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls” by @daljo628
Up next is me! Slides for my talk “From Template Tags to Twig: A Journey Through WordPress Templating” at @WordCampLanc are available at v.gd/wptemplating
@WordCampLanc @erikteichmann Another core difference is instead of actually pulling in a stylesheet you’re bringing in inline styles when that block is loaded.