Enjoying @WordCampLanc #wclanc ? Come join us in Bethlehem Aug. 17 for @WCLVPA! Call for speakers and sponsors is open now! 2019.lehighvalley.wordcamp.org/
Enjoying @WordCampLanc #wclanc ? Come join us in Bethlehem Aug. 17 for @WCLVPA! Call for speakers and sponsors is open now! 2019.lehighvalley.wordcamp.org/
@WordCampLanc @paulbarthmaier In my own view I think block filters are important because they enable flexibility for developers to customize blocks to meet their needs without having to redo the whole block. Actions and filters are key to making WordPress more flexible.
@WordCampLanc @paulbarthmaier “Why are block filters important for the user editor interface?”
“I dunno, I’m a developer” – @_pbrocks
@WordCampLanc @paulbarthmaier PHP Block example from @GaryPendergast gist.github.com/pento/cf38fd73ce…
@WordCampLanc @paulbarthmaier When you create a block all of the data for that block winds up in the database via an HTML comment embedded into the post_content field where the block should be rendered.
@WordCampLanc @paulbarthmaier “With the advent of the new block editor, our shared understanding of development best practices is changing. It’s like the wild wild west all over again.”
@WordCampLanc @paulbarthmaier You can’t create a block with just PHP (yet) you do need a little bit of JavaScript.
@WordCampLanc @paulbarthmaier Block Filters in the Gutenberg Handbook wordpress.org/gutenberg/handbook…
@WordCampLanc @paulbarthmaier Block filters allow you to extend or change the functionality of a Gutenberg block.
Post lunch talks from @WordCampLanc continue.
Now listening in on @paulbarthmaier’s “Block Filters: The Answer to Customizing Blocks Without Rolling Your Own”
@kingkool68 @wp_acf > We plan to include the ACF Blocks feature with both the free and PRO versions of ACF 5.8.
Looks like the .org version is still 5.7.x though?
Follow Ashley on Twitter at @ash__eberly
@kingkool68 @daljo628 @wp_acf Should be in the free version when 5.8 officially launches. 5.8 is due any day now.
“Is the ACF block editor only going to be available to paid versions? Is it coming to the free version?” – @daljo628
(the room is not sure)
@wp_acf do you know?
@WordCampLanc @bethsoderberg Remember to do what you need to do to learn. You are more important than WordPress, which will always evolve and change.
@WordCampLanc @bethsoderberg There are Gutenberg courses out there.
gutenberg.courses/development/ and javascriptforwp.com/product/gute…
@WordCampLanc @bethsoderberg Gutenberg starter theme: github.com/WordPress/gutenberg-s…
Based off of Underscores which is based off of the twentytwelve theme apparently.
@TaraClaeys @WordCampLanc @bethsoderberg Just read my screen as I type…
@WordCampLanc @bethsoderberg A good way to learn is to attend other talks even if they go way above your head. It’s ok to sit in a talk and not understand absolutely everything that is said.
@WordCampLanc @bethsoderberg Learn to modernize themes to take advantage of Gutenberg. Learn how data is stored. Learn how to style a basic block. And learn as much JavaScript as you need to. It might be a slow process.
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.