#WPCampus is excited to announce our selection of @TenonAPI to conduct an #accessibility audit of the Gutenberg #WordPress content editor. wpcampus.org/2019/01/gutenberg-a…
#WPCampus is excited to announce our selection of @TenonAPI to conduct an #accessibility audit of the Gutenberg #WordPress content editor. wpcampus.org/2019/01/gutenberg-a…
Boostra 386 is an even better MS-DOS WordPress theme from @salcode
@ppk @cameronmoll @patrick_h_lauke I probably started dabbling on Angelfire or Geocities around then. My earliest site I managed to save mdskate.russellheimlich.com
@starsoup7 @JonnyAustinTX I just learned you can forward mail wrongly sent to you by writing on the envelope and putting it back in the mailbox.
Are you a design/dev freelancer in the Brighton area? @clearleft would love to say hi – pop in and see us this Friday evening: eventbrite.com/e/clearleft-freel… (also: we’re hiring clearleft.com/team/jobs)
@benschwarz @andybelldesign I’ve also got huge philosophical views on HTML-first being part of robustness and therefore part of inclusive design, but that’s a whole other rant. 😉
Hi friends! my husband @KentoCalrissian is looking for a new role, would appreciate any leads! he’s an internal communications manager with experience creating & executing strategic internal communications plans. We’re in Greater Boston or remote. Thanks in advance!
Hey friends! My best friend and spouse @ImNikiHolt just graduated from @GA and is looking for a design job in Seattle or remote. She’s obviously amazing. Would be a solid hire.
If it suits you, please retweet for reach! t.co/6tZXu3H8OO
@davatron5000 You should pose that question to @filamentgroup…
Thank you @perishable ! for Disable Gutenberg. Phew. Saved the day 🙂
@wordpress buy this guy lunch!
Amazing. Now I can dump Trello and use GitHub issues + @ZenHubHQ as a kanban board for my random thoughts and projects. NEAT-O! twitter.com/newsycombinator/stat…
Last night I discovered the Indie Web Ring developed by @schmarty and it was so much fun to see all kinds of different indie web sites.
Example: martymcgui.re/
@jtnt @mjacksonw Make the kids be the banker. Helps with counting money and making change.
@anthonydpaul @Flickr People that actually want to engage with the site. Flickr had become a dumping ghost town.
But @naudebynature and I will binge watch some @fullerhouse after the kids go to bed.
When I was a kid it was TGIF on ABC and Full House.
My kids are all about YouTube and @jhousevlogs
Heya! I’m looking for a (potentially short-term) job in tech – preferably around B’ham💖
– PHP /w Laravel experience
– Python & Numpy experience
– Serial Hackathon attendee & @HackTheMidlands organiser
– Learn super fast
– Experience at CERN
Would really appreciate help/RTs💝
@desandro @BunnyCDN What we spend per year for @BunnyCDN is what we would have paid per month using CloudFront. CrAzY eXpEnSiVe!
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.