@mmatuzo @hj_chen Nice use of dummyimage.com
@mmatuzo @hj_chen Nice use of dummyimage.com
It’s been a hell of a year at @spiritedmediaco, as we’ve launched membership, taken on consulting and platform work and intensified our focus on events. The result is a 70 percent decrease in monthly burn, and a far clearer view of the right path forward. medium.com/billy-penn/spirited-m…
These shoes seem to have a lot in common with the adobe logos. soxy.com
(props @rieglerphoto)
@skeevis @elgreg Yea worked for my wife last weekend. She was amazed!
How Blockbuster, Kodak And Xerox Really Failed (It’s Not What You Think)
RE: Software disenchantment rakhim.org/2018/09/re-software-d…
A rant-y reply to @nikitonsky’s latest post.
This is kind of interesting. If you liked this tweet, then @apple replies. Just like text message marketing… twitter.com/Apple/status/1039909…
@aaronjorbin @WordCampNYC I don’t know what you’re talking about?!! I docker kill’d it
@aaronjorbin @WordCampNYC the Virtual Machine*
*assuming all dependencies for Virtual Box are configured properly for your given environment
@aaronjorbin @WordCampNYC Florence.
@Truecaller @Hiya This article from @verge was helpful as well theverge.com/2018/3/6/17071478/s…
Ditched @Truecaller and am now using @Hiya Will see if this works any better at blocking rob calls.
@whistle @mattcampux (read that in the voice of Yosemite Sam for maximum effect)
@whistle @mattcampux That gosh darn tootin cascade again always ruining my plans with global scope pollution and lack of static type analysis Aaarrrggghhhh!!!
@DannyPage @round YES THIS! So worth it. twitter.com/kingkool68/status/10…
@jaredcunha @round Helvetimeh
Here’s the video of my “Learn Gutenberg” session for @WordPressDC / @WordPressNoVa the other night 🙂
TL;DW – New to WP? Play around. Have a site? Test it. Don’t want it? Know your options. Most in the crowd were new and excited!
Watch it here – buff.ly/2Qd1HJQ t.co/zJvu0Ju2UY
Do you…
a) work in tech or design, broadly (e.g., product, engineering, UX, content strategy, etc.), and
b) do, or are interested in, speaking, writing or other kinds of profesh visibility?
Me and @theledu would love to hear about your experiences!
Next one in our 10 years look-back is one from the @ChromeDevTools team✨
From Firebug🐞 to Chrome DevTools Protocol🔧, developer tools have taken a massive leap over the past 10 years💫
News for developers from the Google Chrome Developer Relations team.