@umangkalra_ @round What if you’ve assembled several Ikea pieces together over the course of a weekend?
@umangkalra_ @round What if you’ve assembled several Ikea pieces together over the course of a weekend?
@darrylgrant @instagram Yea mine were fixed this morning for me too.
@helloboxes @darrylgrant @instagram I mean their own embedding page is dead instagram.com/developer/embeddin…
@darrylgrant @instagram I filed a bug bounty. Will wait and see what happens. They need to fix it on their end.
Looks like removing `?utm_source=ig_embed` from the `data-instgrm-permalink` attribute fixes it.
@instagram You’re drunk!
@jgarber @backblaze A Synology NAS + Google Photos + Amazon Prime Photos + BackBlaze B2 (way cheaper than S3)
@softlandscapes @carlislesargent Ooo that account looks neat maybe I’ll follow it.
Looks at past tweets. Ok I’m good.
@KyleCotter @_KevinSmith I built my own custom top instagram.com/p/9PuvtADe_c/ and used Ikea BEKANT frame ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/…
When you use a tool, you learn about the tool. When you build your own tool, you learn about yourself: @desandro on game animation @refreshdc @istrategylabs #refreshdc t.co/poluXENzTP
@_alanbsmith @jessabean via css-tricks.com/almanac/propertie…
@_alanbsmith @jessabean This makes sense. The default is flex: 0 1 auto. It sizes the item based on its width/height properties (or its content if not set). .media-image is effectively an empty div since the omg is absolutely positioned and taken out of the flow of the page source.
@codinghorror @chriscoyier @MaxCDN Love KeyCDN but switched to @BunnyCDN because they have a better price
Well, that’s Brian. He is also kind and tolerant and inclusive. So I’m gonna stop hogging him and YOU can experience this, by taking my job. Come work with @brianboyer leading product design for @spiritedmediaco. (contact him directly, I turn into a pumpkin tomorrow 5pm).
@agm1984 Programming is about people 😁
this image from @9to5mac is a fascinating study in the changes of app design over the past decade. there’s more information density in the 2008 Facebook app than in any one after it. And it shows FOUR TIMES as many posts in a 3.5″ screen than the current app does on 5.8″. t.co/XUf88rYG49
Those of us at @spiritedmediaco know an awful lot about local digital journalism, and, as part of our desire to diversify revenue, we’re now helping other local media organizations too. medium.com/billy-penn/were-shari…
@chipcullen @round “customer touch points”
@BhojakMilap @dburka WordPress’ function reference developer.wordpress.org/referenc…
Their reference is even powered by WordPress thanks to github.com/WordPress/phpdoc-pars… making it easy to style and customize
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.