How hot does it have to be for the interior of my car to start melting?
Wasn’t the Salt Lake City Olympics in fiscal trouble before Mitt Romney swooped in and lost the election? #rncincle
@elgreg Was she on Grey’s Anatomy?
@seclarke Wait wait. Don’t tell me. You’re at a Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me taping?
@fugularity Josh, How’s it going to be? when you lose a whole year after graduating to a jumper?
@e_wils Like write now right now?
@brownpau We’re talking about this, right?
@zgordon @joe_hoyle you mean semi-colons?
@daggerhart you mean they died!?!?
@ammy914 you mean his parents taught him to do his business in the yard and clean up after himself? Bravo!
Zadie has really been getting into the alphabet so we got her this. Is it too much?
@davidj maybe on the adult profile? I need an app to lock the screen because my daughter keeps poking it.
Have you guys caught all your Poké balls yet?
Are computers still getting faster?
Hey @voxdotcom, what’s the point in even having pictures if you do something like this?
@beepybop Did you point at it with your pen?
@handbuiltco What are you using for domain mapping?
@daniellealberti Is the fingerprint reader pretty fast?