@aebsr happy birthday! How was your trip to NYC?
@jessschillinger Definitely alpha. What happens when a new genre comes out?
@fugularity Is that a euphemism for leg day?
@fugularity Are you steamed?
Curious what each HTML element sounds like when spoken by a screen reader? Exhaustive collection of audio: thepaciellogroup.github.io/AT-br…
@renan “When are you going to give me grand babies?”
@danielbachhuber ToothPress eh?
@chipcullen I mean Auto is in the name so why need any options at all? What is it hurting to prefix everything?
@chipcullen Right but why doesn’t autoprefixer just prefix every version it knows about. Why should anyone pick and choose?
@chipcullen Is there an option with Autoprefixer to prefix everything? Why would you only prefix the last 2 versions?
@kevinmarks @aribadernatal Any advice on what to do with the new Instagram API changes that are coming in June?
“Hey Google, why is my kid dressed like such a weirdo?”
“why are we making JavaScript a requirement to render text on the screen?” – @adactio #aeabos
@webmanwlkg Yea but don’t Tivo boxes come with a subscription fee? Also On Demand is HBO is important for the kiddos Sesame Street fix.
@smashley017 So all you have is your phone? Try HBO GO.
@aaronjorbin what is FIG?
@kathkat15 Are you your own boss?
12 years of progress?
“So how old is your toddler?”
“Old enough that we require a constant connection to Sesame Street videos whenever we go out”
I’m going to start up #WordPress Tutoring again – could you please help me share this 2 question survey?!! wp.zacgordon.com/wordpress-tutor…