@desandro Do you do logos for ⭐️ and ❤️?
@jensimmons What’s going on?
@jgarber But my real question is how do you provide fallback support for SVG icons if the browser doesn’t support SVG?
You’re supposed to eat 1 piece of candy for every piece you hand out right? For quality control?
Whose #1? Zadiebug is #1! #zadiealyssa #halloween @ Cabin John Train instagram.com/p/9gRzo5je44/
@mr_suh Is the person’s name you hate Fred?
@renano was pizza involved?
@randallb In 1998 who was still using a Walkman?
@5tu the extended keyboard is the same old extended keyboard, right? Was it changed at all with the other accessory redesigns?
@jenmrapp “Hey, imma gonna push ya. Dat OK wit you?” – Scumbag iOS apps
@SAteaches I made a menu for my daughters website and tried to make it as accessible as I could. zadieheimlich.com/ How did I do?
@danielbachhuber What happened with Fusion? Were you de-fused?
So if I want to get a sneak preview of YouTube Red I can just go to redtube.com right?
#StarWars Am I doing it right?
@nekolaweb Why? They’re a store. They can sell whatever they want.
@taupecat hmmm… Is this a CSS tweet or an alcohol tweet?
Wait a minute.. is this a Denmark commercial? #DemDabate
“How will you not be a 3rd term Obama president?”
“Ovaries.” – Hillary Clinton
@renano mr. o’malley what do you think of Dumser’s? I mean great ice cream but that name…
So this is like halftime and when we come back the candidates will switch side, right? #DemDebate