@jshawl Like plugin options? I hate plugin options.
Hey WordPress Devs: Would a talk about sysadmin stuff for humans be an interesting talk idea? Trying to come up with something for loopconf
@inboxbygmail Do you guys have a high res icon suitable for use as a desktop app icon? Similar to this icons.iconarchive.com/icons/corn…
@mr_suh He’s the bottom, right?
@aaronjorbin Is this DSH? netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/software/d…
@chrisvanpatten Why don’t you like it?
@greglinch What does “update every story on a certain topic when a related article is updated” mean?
@jessschillinger You’re a scientist?
@chuckborowicz Just like Alexandria in all of the previous years?
@zeldman What about do-goodism? en.wiktionary.org/wiki/do-goodis…
@aebsr why not?
The Nexus 6 is rumored to cost $649? No thanks.
Who wants to buy my wife’s bib for bridgerace.com/index.php ? #runthebridge #10k
@ayomattayo that’s terrible! Why would you want me to be lonely? I hope you get lonely tonight, buster!
@hairbrainiac ELLIO PIZZA!?!??!
@davisshaver Maybe it was already claimed for me?
@davisshaver meh? I dunno.
Does anyone want a OnePlus One invite?
@anthonydpaul OSX Quick look? Find the file in Finder, highlight it, press Space bar.
@jgarber Ruby on rails approved skinny jeans?