@fugularity why you gotta be a wet noodle mr buttleavins?
@joshlangner We use getanalytics.io/ to abstract out event calls and to make sure they go to all the different services. From what I understand segment does the same thing but I think they do at the server side? So you don’t need to load all those additional client libraries.
@NguyetV Did I expect anyone to ask me anything? Not really
Was taking my daughter to gymnastics expected? Yea. But it was just one of the few times in the day I get to stop and think.
Did you know when you capitalize the first letter of each word in your hashtag, it’s easier for everyone to read?
And screen readers will announce each word separately.
Compare #MakeItEasyToRead to #makeiteasytoread .
@jfc3 What are you going to do with all the wine?
Can you imagine working across timezones once we become a multi-planetary species?
@bequinning @QuinnyPig Even ice cream?
@jfc3 Why don’t you buy the place?
@mattcampux Wait you don’t do that when you work from home?
@TreTuna @swyx I mean the software currently doesn’t work on my PC either but the camera is still recognized. I wonder what would happen if I plugged it into my Mac?
You’re probably like “Yea but who even changes the default font size of their browser?”
Probably not many but it’s not hard to use rems if it leads to respecting a users preferences.
Does this mean there are no more CSS Tricks?
@williamsba Philly cheesesteak pie?
@elyktrix Does this count as typing? Then yes.
@twigpress @YmirApp Ooo how does it work?
@fugularity What about copies of The Doors albums? Do they count for doors?
@fugularity Do tires count as wheels?
@MKBHD How many weeks have you had it?
How long would it take if your password was 0 characters? Would the hackers even think to try that? twitter.com/JemYoung/status/1500…
@AlexStandiford Amazon still has details about my first order from 2004 so… 18 years?