@joeleenk I don’t know how you would disclose that.. well I have one or two ideas. Isn’t it assumed when viewing photos?
@cdharrison Select elements, do something with them. What are you struggling with?
Anyone know any frontend developers looking for a new job in DC? I’m growing my team, and we do some interesting work @usnews
Do these pants make me look fatuous?
@jessabean why where ya going?
@AdeyLady123 numero?
@mr_suh Isn’t that why you come over to my cube?
Could the Moto X have an always-listening voice command? ausdroid.net/2013/07/14/motorola…
@chipcullen Did @sublimehq make it even easier than using Dreamweaver? That’s my favorite thing to mention when I tell people I still use DW
“Can’t you do a ‘find and replace’ for all the PSD updates?”
@TmoNews I hope you guys do a breakdown on different JUMP scenarios. Like when does it make sense to not join JUMP and just buy outright?
@kathkat15 So I guess you’re against circumcision then as well?
@jlleblanc Remember how excited you used to get when you heard the door opening sound?
Need a free website? Nostalgic for the good old days of GeoCities? Then you need neocities.org/
@jgarber Is that a Foursqaure badge? I don’t have that one…
@trepmal Logged in issue?
@WebManWlkg Example?
@cdharrison Is there a page with the same slug? That’s why…
@brownpau Oh you mean the hamburger button?
@brian_k_bailey So what if I clicked a link from Twitter? The only way I know it’s a new song is from the tab title.