@JoannaBrenner Have you seen π ?
@danielmall Your previous address might work. I still get redirected mail from there all the time. PO box maybe?
@lauradhahn Did you move back?
@cdharrison A bean bag or a band?
@jessabean Did you win the contest?
@trepmal You type some gibberish in it and magic happens… what’s not to understand?
@xxCGxx what kind of Dyson Vaccum?
@dcjquery Need someone to show off a visual GUI to Git? I use one all the time.
@mr_suh need a ride home?
@mr_suh still waiting for a bus?
@fugularity Do you enjoy the presentation and the data and all that jazz? Is it really well done?
@fugularity As a baseball aficionado, is this type of thing interesting? washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/specia…
@linesandwaves Was the question “Can you recite the pledge of allegiance?”
@jtnt How about tweets about your poker game? russellheimlich.com/blog/twitter…
@starsoup7 So when you’re on a phone you just get to look at a stupid monkey who has no idea what he’s talking about?
@aebsr @starsoup7 @btj @jaredcunha “Mentioned Tweet”? What does that even mean?
@bjorn___d Are you available for freelance work converting some shape files to maps?
@boagworld Did you have some LSD with your morning cup of coffee today?
@DanPhilibin money problems?
@steph_hay Who thought this was a good idea? cl.ly/image/1z2A3Z1j1H07