@JohnPBloch Where to next?
Single mom making $260,000 a year: Can anyone look at this and not admit @WSJ is out of touch? online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142… via @norcross
@cmcnally What do you mean?
@fugularity Is that you (Josh Smith)?
Is bacon considered a performance enhancing drug? If so I’m guilty. Bacon is so dope.
@nekolaweb What? The boring old flip clock? Not Plant Trees or Wiper Typography?
@randallb Besides, if I’m shown stories the algorithm knows I’ll like, how will I discover anything new serendipitously?
You mean you don’t have an airbrushed George Michael denim vest? Pfffttt we can’t be friends. etsy.com/listing/120062076/airbr…
@chriscoyier Were you one of those people that just slept on a bare mattress wrapped in a blanket?
@zomigi Is it weird to have multiple anchors on a page? That’s all landmark roles do. Jump you to a certain part of the page.
Need something awesome to read? I made a hack so you can browse books, randomly. bookbookgoose.com (why: bit.ly/U824mj)
@pablosoler Did I go to college with you?
@dcphp I’ll be there! Got food? Are people getting something to eat?
@ayomattayo Is it like when you told me the price of a hotel room in Ocean City would be $20 a night?
@jgarber Is that shady merchant @livingsocial ?
@chipcullen I thought you live in Conneticut?
@tjortenzi Wait… he gets a blank check and then spends the rest of the movie defending his illegitimate fortunate from “crooks”? Oh Disney.
@aljaydavids How’s South Africa? My wife wants to visit there with her grandmother who was born there.
@freshyill Congrats! Who’s the lucky company that is stuck with you now?
@AstickofGum How do they steal?