Remember when we were kids and would say stuff like “I have 100 billion friendships”? Yea, Facebook actually did it.
@epalf I can help you out anytime. What do you want to know?
@FabianBeiner Hmmm random color, eh? I might be able to whip something up.
@AstickofGum Can you make the logo bigger?
Managing Notes With nvALT and Epistle How do you manage your notes?
People used MegaUpload to store critical files? And by critical files I mean stuff other than porn, ripped movies, and warez? #facePalm
@jgarber Hardly use it anymore, right?
@MattMadeiro sure did. How’s it working for you?
Frosted French Toast… Really!?!?!
@coderbrown wow. Glad you’re OK. Did you roll the car?
@greglinch how was @HacksHackersDC this morning?
@freshyill Wait.. @techmeme has other pages to navigate to?
@AstickofGum So I hear you like Nutella?
How many people microwave fish enough for a dedicated button? I spent way too much time staring at my microwave this morning.
Ryan Gosling didn’t get an Academy nomination? There’s some bullshit right there.
@BlankSky Wait.. there are 10 different emotions?
More to-do apps? C’mon, there are far more important problems to solve and things to improve with software than managing to-dos.
@TravInSF What are people thinking?!?!?! I’m looking at you @fastcodesign with your bloated redesign
@kathkat15 Hey, maybe you’re household income will rise so much you won’t be eligible for a Roth IRA. What is that limit btw?
@williamsba Do you guys have a Drupal 5 to WordPress importer?