So does this mean Virginia should be stripped of House floor voting rights? It’s a commonwealth not a state
@cohenspire Cyberduck? #lazyweb
@epictracker Can I get an invite code to signup?
@steph_hay You mean you can’t schedule payments online from your bank?
@cohenspire How was it? Yay or Nay?
@cohenspire did you ever read the first smashing book?
It’s 2011 now can we all please stop using Instagram now?
@eighty5original is Babies the one where they follow new borns from different cultures? And there is no narration?
Wait, the local news is on? That sucks.
@Jason How do you accidentally light matches?
@cameronmoll Would appreciate knowing in a world of digital currency, mobile devices & the Internet why anyone would physically need a bank?
@eighty5original Are you going to Looney’s tonight?
@aenean_ Ditto! How did we avoid snow?
@teddyrised Staying in, watching stuff on Netflix, relaxing. How about yours?
Need a WordPress plugin that adds some functions and conditionals for mobile device detection. Don’t want to make a separate theme. Ideas?
How can a Lorem ipsom generating desktop app tout ‘lightweight & low on system resources’ as a feature? Isn’t that a given? It’s just text!
@thorpus Are you engaged?
Busy weekend of masturbating? RT @riichdiinero RT @a_galeng Ready to get off and start this weekend’s festivities! Busy weekend!
@bpeebles how about ?