@Jennison Sure thing wanna skye sometime?
@whafro You mean like this? jsfiddle.net/6AMR9/23/
@jfc3 What? Your training comes with homework?!?! Did you see the Day Apart speaker for DC 2011? #a11ydc
@aaronjorbin Isit bad that the charts are Flash but constructing them is done via JS is.gd/fXCX9 ?
@Jennison Will do. Hey I thought of an accessibility start-up last night. Wanna hear about it?
“What would the web be like if it were easy to make accessible content?” – @jspellman #a11ydc That’s basically WP, with “accessible” added.
@eighty5original isn’t there an app fire that?
@allnick Are you in the DC area? Tomorrow is the 2nd annual Accessibility Camp DC. It’s free! @AccessCampDC
@eighty5original What did he get?
@skeevis Wow Drupal and shared hosting? That’s a deep, deep hole.
@nacin Is one of your major peeves ReWrite rules? Those peeve me.
Whatever happened to @RefreshDC? Let’s get it going again. /cc @desandro @mringlein
Haven’t really come that far in the last decade and a half, have we? – twitpic.com/2vb721
You know what really bugs me? Vests. Give me sleeves pleeze!
Quora: Why does Quora look like crap? Answer: qr.ae/78ax
@mpiccorossi Got a relative in the military somehow? Try to get in to USAA.com Then they give you money back each month (free ATMs).
@epalf What do you think of the new GAP err I mean Gap logo? is.gd/fMEUa
Bells and whistles? Not on my watch…
@XboxSupport Wasn’t the TV input, but the video came back. Must have just been overheated? Anyway thanks for the Twitter help. Appreciate it
@jcarbaugh Type ‘?’ in GMail to see a list of all the yummy shortcuts I’m sure you knew that though.