@jenfraiz Any chance that sweet Pac MAn hoodie will come back in stock? is.gd/fjCvF
@NancySeeger keyboard cat youtube.com/watch?v=J—aiyz…
I’m all about forrst. Who here is on forrst? #aea
@theorem_ How did you get to Wisconsin?
@eighty5originalIs Was Chris’ early birthday gift your red dress you fixed the zipper to? No wonder he’s pretending…
@beep @160mph That article doesn’t compare setting body font-size to 100% vs 62.5%? Why not make 1em = 10px and make your life easier?
@mrjbrown Oh man how could you miss it? It was amazing. There’s another DC one coming next year in 2011. PLAN NOW!
is it scary that ie9 got more applause at #aea?
@printFancy you’re here in DC? We have to meet up.
@grum_dot_com #aea did you used to rock the hot dog stand theme in windows 3.1?
where’s that towel snake? #aea
Ok but did they end up selling more software with the hidden easter egg promotion? #aea
@tomkruk do you have corporate users? Have you seen your site in a blackberry browser?
Can you imagine Apple with a different looking site in different browsers? I don’t. #aea
What would a romantic web design trend look like? #aea
@hellogeri oh God, are they having another #aea ??? @zeldman always annoys me by using me on a damn slide! 🙂 The nit. – thanks for warning
Was that a towel bong? #aea
@theorem_ afeedapart.com what do you want to know?
2 smart phones for every desktop sold? Hmmmm… #aea
The line to get coffee is ridiculous. Do you all really need coffee? #aea