@eighty5original Are you sure it’s not Hanson’s MMMmmmBOP?
@eighty5original Can you wear 6 pieces of clothing a month? nyti.ms/dpYQro
“What bank do you use?” is inaccurate for the bank uses you.
@trepmal Are you redirecting your main site? IE $blog_id 1? I’m not and the subdomain works.
Am I famous yet?
@georgeharito Good luck! What domain did you pick out?
@eighty5original better than a shark wearing a top hat and a monocle? I don’t think so.
@kaneshow what was the video of the kid that said his house went “balloom!” and then it was on fire that you played today?
@bear Got a picture of it?
@BlankSky Why not the word “More” ?
@desandro You mean this? bit.ly/ci1Ppx The Theme song from the OC? Or one of these songs? bit.ly/aKpPUO
Why was I not told about dummyimage.com earlier? Useful for generating placeholder images in early portions of HTML page knock-ups.
@tmonews Could it be The Vanguard? Looking through the HTML source, that’s a name that keeps coming up.
Should I buy BP stock and hold for long term?
@eighty5original @kathkat15 Why not it’s cheap?
@kathkat15 Well if things go far enough south some other company will come in and scoop them up. Wouldn’t that boost their stock price?
What is procrastination? This 5 minute video is a good start. ping.fm/lFko4
Safari 4 & 5 privacy flaw. You could be giving away all of your contacts but does anyone really use Address Book? Such an easy hack. http:/
Have you ever wanted to create a GUI interface using visual basic for say… tracking an IP Address? Well here you go ping.fm/quZRI
@boagworld You’re coming to DC? Sweet! Have a meet-up.