And so begins our epic 4 player Monopoly game. I’m the money bag so I have to win, right?
@joshmbrown Cool. Feel free to download the source and play around with it. Feeling really daring? Check out the dev version
@BlankSky ektron? Bleh-yuck!
@chayner Lots of people want custom text, which I can do. I’m just worried about potential abuses (spammers and such). Any ideas there?
@epalf Are you sure you’re not subconciously winking at your admirer?
@foreachdev Pretty cool? I think is mondo fantastico cool!
@petapixel How can you randomly pick a winner if you’re asking people to submit a photo? I was hoping it would be a photo contest.
@MattBowen I’m assuming it’s for everyone as their updating apps? Maybe?
@farrelley @MattBowen You mean this?
@fugularity @kathkat15 Truvia?
@Cohenspire You used Evernote for bookmarking? I love the Delicious bookmark add-on for Firefox.
@cameronmoll Are you kidding? Did you hear how many times Jobs used the word Magical?
Anyone getting dinner before Refresh DC tonight? Hit me up.
@bpeebles Wanna grab a bite to eat at Cafe Cantina at the Harbour?
@Jason I don’t believe your tablet beta testing claim. Didn’t you just break your NDA by broadcasting that you’ve had it for 2 weeks?
Sick of the default color scheme of the Nexus One? Just get a paint job
Has Apple used the word ‘magical’ in past announcements as much as they have today?
@kathkat15 What can I say? free is free
I stand by my earlier post “Who Needs An Apple Tablet?”
Any #PHP devs want to help me with this? #security