RT @charliepark Wireframing? Need dummy images? Try dummyimage.com. As an example, bit.ly/57stTs, and play with the URL’s values.
I need help picking a good UX Book from ping.fm/Mm97Y Any reccomendations? #uxcampdc
Why do gift shops have such random overpriced things? Marvel superhero T-shirt relates to the Newseum how?
Any front end devs want to get together and share tips? #uxcampdc
I won a copy of Microsoft Expression Studio 3. What’s that? #uxcampdc
@skunkgal Wy are you in a truck? No? don’t worry ’bout it.
@charliepark Anytime. You going to UXCamp DC tomorrow?
@Cohenspire Dribble invite?
Downloading Firefox 3.6 now. When did browsers get sooo big? It’s 17 megs.
Does anyone else think Firefox Personas look like totally utter crap? 729 people’s Firefox looks like this ping.fm/niBNu
want a sexy new timbuk2 laptop bag? RT this. #freebagsforall
Remember that big rush to claim Facebook usernames? Yeaaa ~that changed my life.~
@charliepark Expanding nested child elements works fine for me Do you keep hitting the X to turn off Firebug instead of minimize?
Ah more software on my computer is updating. Is Jan. 19th international push out minor updates day? This must be Apple Tablet related.
@jfc3 Is there food at the accessibility meetup or should I grab something beforehand?
@theorem_ Chick-fil-a on a Sunday? Tickle me impressed.
@Grooveshark when will Last.FM scrobbling be released?
@seclarke is he going to be back for Ella’s party?
@snowpunk Fire stuff?
Best SEO advice ever RT @chriscoyier: Want to be #1 on Google for something? Dedicate your life to it.