@kristenlubbe Why wouldn’t you pay with auto-payments? Wouldn’t that make your life easier as well as save you money?
@primerano I agree. Tablets are lame, what can they do that laptops can’t?
OH: “To catch a predator? That is about animals right?”
New Blog Post: Who Needs An Apple Tablet? bit.ly/5w9OV0
So i’m guessing everyone had an awesome Xmas? I know I did.
Hmm Nexus One to be invite only? Well poo… ping.fm/TWZm4
@theorem_ Are the people against nuclear arms still camping out in front of the white house?
@phillm does the nexus one case have a belt loop of some kind? I like the case that came with my T-Mobile Dash.
RT @jessabean Is it possible? Papyrus and Comic Sans in the SAME sign??? tr.im/IhI8
Whoa, 2.9 is out officially? When did that happen?
@Jason_Reed The Google pagefold tool doesn’t even work if your page is centered, only left aligned. How many left aligned sites are there?
@futurepaul When is the Google phone coming out? I want more deets. Make it happen.
@jdar What CSS issues are you having?
Random finance charge? Not overdrawn. Hmmm…
After wandering around the Wheaton mall I realized T-Mobile dominates this place. I also saw a stand for a thrift store… In a mall?
So the Google phone is real? Cand coming to T-Mobile? Can’t wait until January. ping.fm/t6oZY
What other songs should I add to my playlist “Instrumental Rock Crescendo” ? Send me suggestions! ping.fm/Am5DM
New Blog Post: 3D TVs? Not For Me bit.ly/6BDjTY
@chriscoyier Like wp super cache or the like? Or bigger external caching like Akamai?